Future of Farming: Techniques of Soil-less and Urban Agriculture with Hydroponics

Amazingly, plants may be grown in water (soil- less) without any soil using hydroponics, which uses artificially created nutritional solutions. This method of agriculture introduces a revolutionary change to the conventional method of cultivation because it does not require the use of soil or water. This technique has been demonstrated to be very advantageous and cost-effective, offering a workable answer to better yields.

The two primary categories of hydroponic solutions are as follows:

  1. Solution Culture
  1. Medium Culture

In a solution culture, the plants are grown solely in an artificially created nutrient solution rather than in a solid medium like soil.

Three basic categories have been established within the solution culture, and they are:

  1. Static solution culture
  1. Aeroponics
  1. Continuous flow solutions

Static Solution Culture : An In-depth Look at Hydroponic Cultivation

In reservoirs that are filled with a synthetic nutrient solution, plants are grown to maturity using the static solution culture technique. Containers include things like tanks, tubs, mason jars, plastic buckets, and more. Plastic is typically the material used to make containers; however, other materials can also be utilized. Although it is preferable, the employed solution can sometimes be left anaerobic. If the solution is kept aerated, it is maintained at a low temperature so that the plant’s roots have access to enough oxygen to breathe. Every plant has a hole cut into the brim of the container so that it can emerge. Numerous plants can be accommodated in a single container as long as it is large enough for the plant’s growth size.

If this operation is being done at home, it can be done in glass cans or plastic food buckets with aeration provided by an aquarium pump, an aquarium valve, or a regular airline tube. Aluminum foil, butcher paper, thick black plastic, or any other material that may block light should be used to cover containers in order to stop the growth of algae.

When the content of this nutrient liquid drops below a specific level that can be detected with an electrical conductivity meter, it is replaced on a schedule or once a week. Every time the concentration drops, more water or a new nutrition liquid is introduced. The level of the solution concentration can be repeatedly maintained using a float valve or a Mariotte’s bottle.

According to the Raft Solution System, the plants must be placed on a sheet of floating plastic, which is then floated on top of this nutrient liquid. The solution point won’t fall below the root level in this manner.

Since its rapid expansion, hydroponics has become one of the most efficient alternatives to conventional methods of agriculture, producing high yields in nations all over the world. By using this technique, the general public can incorporate this technology into their houses or other private assets. The elimination of soil and the expense of water and fertilizers are always larger benefits of a strategy like this. This kind of pest management technique will always increase plant nutrition and reduce the risks to human health posed by pesticides and other chemicals.

Pros of Static Solution Culture in Hydroponics:

  • Simplicity: Since pumps or other equipment are not needed to circulate the nutrient solution, static solution culture systems are comparatively easy to set up and maintain.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Because they don’t need expensive equipment or regular nutrient solution changes, static solution culture systems can be economical.
  • Flexibility: Static solution culture systems are a flexible alternative for both indoor and outdoor production since they are easily adaptable to various plant varieties and growing circumstances.

Cons of Static Solution Culture in Hydroponics:

  • Limited control: In a static system, it is more challenging to regulate the pH and nutrient balance since the nutritional solution is not circulated. Unbalances that result from this may affect the health and development of plants.
  • In a static system, the nutrient solution may, over time, become concentrated or diluted, resulting in water and nutrient waste.
  • Limited oxygen availability: Plant growth may be affected if the roots receive insufficient oxygen from the stagnant nutrition solution in a static system.
  • Risk of pests and diseases: In a static system, there is less possibility for the nutrient solution to be refreshed and diluted, which increases the risk of pests and illnesses.

Continuous Flow Culture

This method involves a continuous flow of the plant-nutrient liquid around the roots. When compared to static culture, continuous flow solutions are much simpler to automate since large reservoirs that might feed several plants allow for simple temperature and concentration adjustments and sampling.

The nutrient film technique is a well-known alternative to this method, in which a very low flow of water containing all the nutrients required for plant growth is continuously circulated around the exposed roots of the plant in a solid, waterproof root mat. This root mat forms at the bottom of the canal, and its upper surface is nearly moist and suspended in the atmosphere. The plant roots receive a sufficient amount of oxygen as a result. A proper nutrient film technique can be identified by the correct canal slope, the correct stream speed, and the correct canal length.

The main benefit of the nutrient film approach is that it exposes plant growth to an abundant supply of water, nutrients, and oxygen. Other types of creation result in a lack of and a divergence between the numerous nutrient supplements and the needs of key elements, which causes an imbalance in the composition as a whole. This design structure provides a superb system for healthy plant development and a productive cultivation systemutrients, and oxygen. Other types of creation result in a lack of and a divergence between the numerous nutrient supplements and the needs of key elements, which causes an imbalance in the composition as a whole. This design structure provides a superb system for healthy plant development and a productive cultivation system. As a result, this method produces crops that are incredibly nutritious and high-yield.

One must keep in mind, nevertheless, that using the nutrition film technique can have unfavorable effects if one is a little sloppy or negligent with the power outage or any other components. The nutrient film technique is regarded as one of the most useful methods since it allows for complete control over the nutrient solution’s concentration level as well as temperature automation and modification. Nutrient pollution that may have otherwise been released into the environment and caused serious health issues has not occurred under hydroponic circumstances. High yields and crop stability are far more likely with this type of control system than the average prediction. More credence is added by the positive reviews for the same.

Pros of Continuous Flow Culture in Hydroponics:

  • Control: Compared to static systems, continuous flow culture systems make it easier to monitor and modify the solution’s pH and nutrient balance with greater accuracy.
  • In a continuous flow system, the circulating nature of the nutrient solution can deliver enough oxygen to the roots of the plants, which can enhance plant growth.
  • The circulating nature of the nutrient solution in a continuous flow system, which is renewed and diluted on a regular basis, can help avoid the buildup of pests and diseases.
  • Water and nutrient usage can be more effectively managed in continuous flow culture systems because the solution can be recycled and reused rather than replaced.

Cons of Continuous Flow Culture in Hydroponics:

  • Complexity: Because continuous flow culture methods need pumps or other equipment to circulate the nutrient solution, they might be more difficult to set up and maintain.
  • Cost: Because continuous flow culture systems require equipment like pumps and filters, they can be more expensive to install and maintain than static systems.
  • Equipment risk: Continuous flow culture systems depend on devices like pumps and filters to function, and these devices may malfunction or break down, disturbing the flow of the nutrient solution and perhaps affecting plant growth.
  • Clogging risk: Continuous flow culture systems are susceptible to clogging, especially when the growing medium is not optimal for the system or when the nutrient solution is not properly filtered. The flow of the nutrient solution might be obstructed by clogging, which can affect plant growth.


The next sort of system is aeroponics. A plant’s roots are exposed to the air in this arrangement since they are dangling in such a way. In this technique, the roots are sprayed with a nutritional solution while the plants grow without a medium in a sort of foggy environment. Many different types of materials, such as foam, neoprene, or web pots, are used to support the plant stems. A trellis can be used to support the plant as it starts to develop fruit. Herbs and leafy green vegetables thrive in an aeroponic system. After the seeds have sprouted, these techniques can be employed to propagate plants.

Pros of Aeroponics vs. Hydroponics:

  • Rapid plant development: The high quantities of oxygen delivered to the plants by aeroponics systems can encourage rapid plant growth.
  • Because the nutrient solution is continuously circulated and reused, aeroponics systems utilize less water and nutrients than other hydroponic techniques.
  • Versatility: A variety of plants, including vegetables, herbs, and flowers, can be grown with aeroponics systems.

Cons of Aeroponics vs. Hydroponics:

  • Aeroponics systems require specialized equipment, including pumps and misting systems, making them more challenging to set up and maintain than regular hydroponics systems.
  • Cost: Because they require specialized equipment, aeroponics systems can be more expensive to install and maintain than regular hydroponic systems.
  • Equipment risk: The operation of aeroponics systems depends on a variety of devices, including pumps and misting systems, which may malfunction or break down, disturbing the flow of the nutrient solution and perhaps affecting plant growth.
  • Disease risk: An aeroponics system’s high humidity levels and frequent misting can foster the development of pests and diseases. To protect the well-being of the plants, it is crucial to properly monitor and control these hazards.

Summary of Hydroponics Solution Culture

Continuous flow culture uses a pump to move the nutrient solution throughout the system, whereas solution culture continuously sprays a thin layer of nutrient solution over the roots of plants. Growing plants in an atmosphere of air or mist while spraying their roots with a nutrient-rich water solution is known as aeroponics.

Every form of hydroponics system has unique benefits and drawbacks. Simple to set up and keep up, solution culture systems can be more difficult to handle because of the requirement to constantly circulate the nutrient solution. Continuous flow culture systems can be more complicated and expensive to set up and run, but they offer more exact control over the nutrient balance and pH of the solution. Because of the high levels of oxygen delivered to the plants, aeroponics systems can encourage rapid plant development. However, they can be difficult to set up and maintain, can be expensive, and are susceptible to pests and diseases due to the high humidity levels.